A self-paced, online course by Lael Stone & Bernadette Lack to nurture and support you through a connected, powerful postpartum period.

A transformative initiation into motherhood that holds you physically, mentally & emotionally in early postpartum

You planned your pregnancy, labour and birth. But once you’ve grown and birthed your baby (you magical, marvellous human) what tools and support do you have to navigate the emotional, physical and mental transformation to motherhood?

Modern Western culture has lost sight of the rites of passage and ritual around birth and postpartum that nurtures the mother in those early weeks and months. And at times it can feel lonely and overwhelming.

You can find yourself struggling in postpartum with:

  • Understanding and healing the physical changes and postpartum body issues that so many of us experience
  • Processing birth trauma or postpartum emotions as a new mother
  • Settling, feeding and understanding your new baby
  • Connecting with your partner and nourishing your relationship
  • Following your intuition and instincts in a sea of differing information
  • Understanding what is physically and emotionally normal postpartum
But your postpartum journey is not one you have to do alone. Holding the Mother is your village to nourish you through your transition to motherhood. This is compassionate knowledge and guidance to nurture, heal and connect with your postpartum self whilst meeting your needs and those of your baby in a way that feels right to you.

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Program Overview

Module 1

Recovering from Birth

We explore birth trauma, how your body may feel after birth and gentle ways to move and reconnect with your body after having a baby.

Module 2

Initiation to Motherhood

This module explores your identity as a mother, your feelings around guilt, shame and your imprints as a woman.

Module 3

Releasing Tension

We take a look at feelings and emotions, supporting your baby and ways to release tension in your body and mind.

Module 4

Postpartum Awareness

This module speaks to matresence, hormones, nutrition, sleep and communication with partners.

What you will learn:

Understand and reidentify with your physical postpartum body

From prolapse, diastasis recti, incontinence, haemorrhoids, anal fissures to tears and more. Understand postnatal body issues with evidence-based information. Learn to release tensions held in the body from birth or past trauma.

Address postnatal body issues with a holistic approach

What are common and uncommon postnatal body issues? What do you feel and what does your body need right now? How long does healing take? What support is available and what can you do to support your mind and body to heal postpartum? Get the knowledge you need to feel confident in your postpartum body.

Support and move your body postpartum

Gentle, guided exercise videos with B to release physical tensions, activate your core and pelvic floor and heal and build strength in your physical postpartum body. Exercise sessions vary in length, are for all levels of fitness and can be accessed at your own pace, in your own home, whenever works for you.

Understand & navigate postpartum emotion

Respond to and process your pregnancy, labour, birth and early motherhood experience. Work through your birth story and find support to heal from birth trauma you may have experienced. Become curious of your own perceptions and work on how to understand and reframe them.

Identify the signs of postpartum depression or anxiety and find the support you need

We look at the symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety and help you assess how you’re coping. We provide information of where you can find the support you need and how to access it.

Understand your baby’s feelings & communication

Ideas to support your baby and their feelings in a way that aligns with your own parenting values. Learn what your baby is communicating, how to comfort them and help them release their emotion and tensions. Understand infant sleep and learn ways to help the whole family maximise sleep in those early months.

Establish postnatal self-care practices & boundaries

Unpack your imprints around self-care and how this affects your own self-care priorities as a mother. Learn to listen to what your body and mind needs - guilt-free - that will strengthen your connection with your body and your baby. Learn to set healthy boundaries to meet your own needs so you can meet the needs of your family.

Understand matresecence, hormones and postnatal nutrition

Make your journey to motherhood smooth, rewarding and memorable by understanding the matresecense journey (if you don’t know it, we explain it all!), your hormones and how you can support yourself and your baby with optimum nutrition.

Relate and communicate with your partner postpartum

Dynamics change when a new baby arrives. We help you dive deeper into your relationship and your communication style and learn how your own childhood family dynamics impact your interactions as a partner. We cover strategies and tips to help you focus on a healthy relationship that serves your whole family.

What's included:

Audio & Video Content

Listen and watch when it works for you. Pop us in your ears and think of it as a big warm hug from Lael & B.

Guided Relaxations

Subconscious relaxations to help shift any stuck stories as well as guided visualisations.

Detailed Resource Guide

Detailed resource guide to help you find further support and information.

Course Flexibility

Listen and watch on your schedule. Pre-recorded to guide you mentally, emotionally and physically through the first six months postpartum.

Lifetime Access

No limits to how long you can access this course. Come back to us when you need to throughout your postpartum period and for future babies.

Ready to start?

This online course guides you to build trust and confidence by tuning into your postpartum body and mind to understand, heal and find your power.







Frequently asked questions:

The course is created by TEDx speaker, educator, author and Aware Parenting expert Lael Stone, and midwife, and personal trainer B from Core & Floor Restore. Together they have a combined 30 years experiencing supporting mothers through pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
This course is for every mother no matter how you birthed your baby. We work to help you recover physically from all birth whilst supporting you emotionally and mentally through your postpartum period.
Yes. This will help you and your partner in the early postpartum period. We look at the feelings of each individual in the family including the birth mother, partner and baby. We look at the needs of each of these individuals to create a healthy, connected postpartum family environment in which you will all thrive.
Yes. We understand that our language is gendered in terms of the word ‘Mother’. And we do apologise for this. No matter how you identify, if you are in the first six months postpartum and are struggling physically, mentally or emotionally, this course will help you heal.
Sadly one in three Australian women experience birth trauma. Holding the Mother helps you explore your feelings and imprints around your birth and begins your healing journey. If you feel you need greater support before, during or after the course, you can book a one-on-one Birth Debrief session with B or join us for one of our face-to-face workshops around Australia.
We’re not nutritionists but we do cover how you can support yourself and your baby nutritionally and give you information on where to find further nutritional support in our detailed Resource Guide.
Yes. This is a gentle, activating way of moving your body that supports your pelvic floor and core. We go through ways to re-identify with movement and even break down how to pick up your baby post-birth or get in and out of bed in a way that won’t cause any injury or pain.
B talks through some physical aspects of breastfeeding. For further information that supports your ongoing breastfeeding journey, we will provide links in our resources guide.
Flexible audio and video content that you can watch and listen to on your own schedule when it suits you. You get lifetime access, to come back to it when you need it and at a time that works for you.
Altogether the course content is about six hours of listening and watching. You can binge it all at once or break it up into bite-sized chunks that work for you. And you get lifetime access to the course for your second, third or fifteenth child.
$99.00 for lifetime access. Come back to it for each child you have or whenever you need the support and nurture of a village.
Often it’s not until we’ve been through our first postpartum period that we realise how little support we had and how much we really needed emotional and physical support in early postpartum. Perhaps you didn’t feel your first postpartum period was as rewarding or memorable as you had hoped. We want to help you have a positive and powerful postpartum period every time you welcome a new babe. This course is designed to help you do just that.

This course is what they don’t tell you in the current system. This is the physical, emotional and mental information you need to find power in your postpartum space. To understand the issues you may be facing and to address them and heal from them. We created this course because this information is not being given to early postpartum mothers.

No, the resources contain additional information to help you find out what is going on for you.

You won’t! You get lifetime access to this flexible online content. Do it at your own pace in your own time.

Yes. This is about taking care of yourself as a mother and fostering a greater connection to your physical and mental well-being. It’s for learning about yourself and your baby in the early postpartum space and will help you have a positive rewarding postpartum period in line with your own values.

Via flexible online video and audio content. Convenient for you to tune in whenever works for you. You also have access to a detailed resource guide for further support.

Watch what you need. Take from it what resonates and works for you.

Yes. We invite you to tune into your baby and their feelings and communications and provide some ways that you can help maximise sleep for the whole family in those early weeks and months. But it is not a sleep guide and there is no step-by-step settling information. instead, we focus on tuning into your baby’s communications and how you can better connect with and understand your baby.

Confidence and power as a mother in early postpartum. A detailed understanding of physical body issues and how they can be healed. An understanding and pathway to navigate your emotional experiences. The warm and compassionate support and guidance of Bernadette Lack and Lael stone with a combined 35 years of experience in postpartum support.

Meet Lael and Bernadette

Supporting mothers like you is our passion. We’re here to support you through your parenting journey and help you find joy, connection and compassion.

Member Access

©2025 Motheration. All Rights Reserved.

Module 1 Resource Guide

Getting Real

Module 2 Audio Resource

Learning Self Compassion

Module 1 Audio Resource

Mum Rage

Module 1 Audio Resource

Expressing Feelings

Module 3 Resource Guide

Going Deeper

Diaphragmatic Breath Explanation

Core and Pelvic Bowl Connection


Module 2 Resource Guide

Moving Forward

Module 4 Resource Guide​

Postpartum Awareness

Module 3 Resource Guide​

Releasing Tension

Understanding my feelings

  • Lael Stone Courses
  • Guides for a listening partnership

    Listening Partnerships are where we listen in turn with another adult, swapping an agreed amount of listening time.

    Find someone, and ask them if they will listen to you for a while, and then you can listen to them for the same amount of time. Explain that it is:

    1. Different from a conversation.
      In a listening partnership, your job is to assist them to tell their story, not “make friends”or get information, or tell your own story or give helpful hints.
    2. Share the time: Take Equal Turns.
      Everyone needs a chance to tell their story. With good listening, every person who cares for children will find something they want to talk about. Listening well to others will also give us new perspectives on our own stories and experiences. Some people like to talk a lot and others don’t, but everyone has something important to say and can benefit from being listened to.

      It may feel uncomfortable at first, but over time we learn to use this listening time (just like children will learn to use the Listening Tools we offer them). If you can’t think of anything else to say, tell your life story! As we do this kind of listening more regularly, we start to notice more things we want to talk about

      Use a timer – this means that you don’t have to keep track of how much time you have, and you don’t have to work out when to interrupt someone’s turn when time is up.

    3. Just listen with respect, warmth and interest.
      Don’t interrupt. Don’t give advice. Know that it is enough that your listening will allow your partner to talk things through and to sort and learn from their own experience. When they listen to you, they will do the same for you.
    4. Keep it confidential.
      Strict confidentiality makes it safe for everyone to talk about anything they need to. Don’t refer to anything anyone said while in a Listening Partnership – not in conversation with them afterward, not in your own turn being listened to, or to anyone else. This makes it safe to eventually say things that feel embarrassing or could be criticized, or talk about things we are not sure about.

      *Shared from Hand in Hand Parenting

Mental health in the perinatal period

Understanding my baby's feelings

Module 2 Resource Guide​

Initiation to Motherhood

Self Care and Postnatal Care

Questions to ponder:

  1. What did you witness with the mother figure in your life around meeting her needs?
  2. Did she practice self-care?
  3. Did she encourage that in you?
  4. Did you have a story or imprint around self-care that it is lazy, selfish, and other people’s needs are more important?
  5. What is your current relationship to self-care?
  6. What would you want in this moment if you could have anything for yourself or around support?
  7. What is one thing you can do to step towards making this a reality?
  8. What is your story around Support? Do you feel you have support in your life?
  9. Did you feel supported as a child?
  10. Do you have a story that you have to do it on your own?
  11. Does it feel loaded to ask someone for help?

How to change an imprint

  1. The first step is being curious about the past. The family of origin that you grew up in. What are the stories and themes that play out in your family? (For example – if you are looking at your relationship to self-care. Let’s ask the question: what was I modeled around this? What did I watch the women in my life do? What did my mother or grandmother or aunties do? What did I observe as a young child around taking care of my own needs?)
  2. When you have understood the message you received (and perhaps how it still plays out now) you can ask yourself the question: Do I do the same? Am I repeating that pattern?
  3. If the answer is yes, that’s what I have believed to be true and that’s what I do… now you can start to work with that story.
  4. The next step to take is how I want to feel about this Imprint. So in the case of self-care, what do I want my relationship to be around this? (Perhaps it’s something like… I want to take care of myself so I can turn up in life with the best version of myself. I am willing to meet my needs and everyone else has their needs met as well.) It can be whatever feels good for you.
  5. Now lean into the blocks around having this happen. So often we can say that we want something, but then we sabotage ourselves with the stories we tell ourselves. This could look like… I really want this for myself, but my mother might judge me if she finds out. Or it could be… if I take care of myself, then might partner might want the same amount of time and then I have to do more? Or it could be… I can’t do this because no one in my family ever takes care of themselves, so if I do it… maybe it will look like I am not coping.
  6. Take one small action toward what you want. That may start with a bath each night and asking your partner, friend, or relative to be with your baby. It might be booking a massage or organising some care for your children while you sleep or go out. It doesn’t matter what it is – take one step towards nourishing yourself and then see what happens.
  7. Reflect… was everyone still ok – did you get any judgment, how do you feel in your body right now? The way we change Imprints is to start looking for evidence that it’s ok to have what we need. So often we look through a lens of the stories we learned as a child and keep seeing evidence that those stories are true. But sometimes we need to change the lens and shift the focus. Start focusing on what we do want, not what we don’t want.

Module 1 Resource Guide

Recovering from Birth

Birth trauma

Getting to know your postpartum body

You may like to journal or speak your responses to these questions to someone who can compassionately listen.

Q1. How connected do you feel your body?

You may have hesitance about connecting with your body, complete disconnection, connection to some areas and not to others or complete connection. Can you identify what the connection feels like, where it is and if it changes from different areas in the body. For example you may feel really connected to your limbs but not connected at all to any birth scar tissue or your womb.

Remembering, it’s ok to feel whatever you are feeling around your body. It’s also ok to have lots of feelings that co-exist.

Q2. How do you feel about your body?

If it feels right to, name the feelings and what they are about. For example I feel so proud of what my body has done and how it has enabled life and I feel disappointed that I have a perineal or abdominal scar. Or I’m really frustrated that I have haemorrhoids and I really like my pregnancy stripes or stretch marks as they are often known as.

Q3. What am I making my issues mean?

Most of us make what is happening in our postpartum bodies to mean:

  • I am broken
  • I am unattractive
  • I am unlovable
  • I am a failure
  • I won’t be a fun mum
  • My partner will run off with someone whose vulva is more intact
  • I won’t ever be able to do what I love again

Remember that you are way more than your vaginal wall, lower belly or skin. You are a bad arse wise woman who has given life to another human! Because of YOU the human race gets to continue. So thank you and your body for what it’s given us. You are amazing, just the way you are!

Q4. Can you be your own best friend here? What do you compassionately need to hear from yourself?

You might like to try placing your hand on your heart and saying or thinking:

  • I’m a bad arse that’s given life to another human
  • My body has changed in order to grow a babe
  • I will honour my postpartum body
  • I am capable of healing
  • I am an epic mama
  • My partner loves me
  • I am more than the marks on my body
  • I will not talk badly about my body, she has done epic things
  • My postpartum body deserves respect for all she has done
  • Or whatever comes to you.

You may want to try the compassion relaxation or book a birth debrief and then come back and see if your answers to the questions here change at all.

I just want to send you a lot of love here. Our connection to our body can bring up so many feelings. They’re allowed to be here and you’re worth what it takes to heal. Your body also needs and deserves your compassionate connection to it, this us to be our most powerful.

Postnatal body issues

Please remember if it doesn’t feel right then it isn’t.

Who else you can see for prolapse?

  • Pelvic floor practitioners like osteopaths and physiotherapists
  • Acupuncturists
  • Other bodyworkers that align with your values
  • Emotional health workers
  • Postpartum Doulas for support
  • Nutritionist
  • Midwife, OB or GP

Other Resources:

Healing postpartum and re-identifying with movement

Questions to ponder:

Q1. What have been your messages around postpartum healing?

Q2. What did you believe you should be able to do in the early months postpartum?

Q3. What do you feel your body needs right now

Q4. How willing are you to work on your body and mind and allow them what they need to heal.


Diaphragmatic breath explanation

Core and pelvic bowl connection